Young Woman Explains Why We’re Voting for Trump in 55 Seconds!
If you’re liberal, can’t stand Trump and can’t fathom why people will vote for him – this is why | Rant
if you are liberal and can’t stand trump
and can’t possibly fathom why anyone
would want to vote for him let me fill
you in
we can’t stand you you’ve done
everything in your power to try and
destroy this country by tearing down our
our borders our history systematically
destroying our schools and brainwashing
our kids into thinking that socialism is
the answer to everything
demonizing religion and faith and
glorifying abortion violence and thug
from calling us racist to expecting
everyone of every color to follow our
to ridiculing us for having the audacity
to wish someone a merry christmas
or hang a flag on the fourth of july or
stand for our national anthem or oh the
horror wear a mega hat out in public
so much for your tolerance we are voting
for trump not because he’s the most
charming character on the block
but because we vote policy over
personality and we are sick and tired of
your divisive
and destructive and ignorant and
intolerant behavior and beliefs
parading around as some kind of wokeness
we are voting for trump
because of you